Monday 15 April 2013


How to compressed update download size using yum-presto

How to compressed update download size using yum-presto

What is yum-presto?

Yum-presto is a plugin for yum that looks for deltarpms rather than rpms whenever they are available. This has the potential of saving a lot of bandwidth when downloading updates. A Deltarpm is the difference between two rpms. If you already have foo-1.0 installed and foo-1.1 is available, yum-presto will download the deltarpm for foo-1.0 => 1.1 rather than the full foo-1.1 rpm, and then build the full foo-1.1 package from your installed foo-1.0 and the downloaded deltarpm.

1.First enable the EPEL repository by entering this :-

# su -c 'rpm -Uvh'
2. Then add this repository :-

*Navigate to the page and go to Command line setup using rpm page.  
* Copy that command and paste into terminal 


3.For installing yum-presto open the terminal and type

# yum install yum-presto
# yum update

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