Monday, 29 October 2018


How to configure AWS CodeDeploy and Codepipeline with Github(Part-3)


In this tutorial we will configure AWS-CodePipeline for Continuous Deployment. In the previous article I have written about configuring aws-codedeploy service. For this to work you need to configure both previous tutorial. Please check the link below:-

1. How-to-configure-aws-codedeploy-and-Codepipeline-Part-1
2. How-to-configure-aws-codedeploy-and_Codepipeline-Part-2 

1. Now lets configure AWS-Codepipeline service :-

Give the name to the pipeline :-

Provide the Source :- Github and connect the repository

Build Provider :- No Build - as we dont want to build for demo

Next Deployment method :- AWS-CodeDeploy

Provide the service role. If you do not have role created previously then click on create role and just allow it. You will have name something like this "AWS-CodePipeline-Service" select it.

Lastly review the pipeline and click on create pipeline :-

Once the process is completed you will have successful message displayed in stages. It will take time if your code is big.

This means you have successfully deployed continuous integration and continuous deployment on your environment. Now whenever you push the changes in your github project the changes will be automatically deployed on your server.

That's it 
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